Welcome to my wild and wonderous webpage, Tales for a Shattered World!
Its primary purpose is to host my novel of the same name, ETA 2024 2025.
I did not anticipate nearly 7 months of mandatory overtime at my day job, but we endure.
Until then, use the tabs to the left to dig around through my thoughts and assorted creative ventures.
If you are a fan of gay elves, very sad men, and fantasy maps,
then boy howdy have you come to the right place.

The site is awfully dead while I churn through the novel.
It's not an abandoned project, but I only have so much free time in a week.
Once I finish up the project, I plan to add on a lot more to the site.

This site is not mobile friendly and is best viewed on PC.
TSW is intended for audiences 15 and up. Adult-only content will be clearly marked.

Latest Updates

+I went back on my word and posted another Story excerpt
+Exactly three more pictures in the Sketchbook
+Added gift art/trades/commissions to character pages
+Added some art to the Sketchbook
+Another new Character added
+More exciting info added to the Map page!
+Another new point of interest on the Map. Probably the last one for a while.

I have personally viewed this page    times!

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